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Offers & rewards
with orders $60+
Sign up for any Water Bank Moisturizer & get deep hydration on repeat.
Recambio de gel hidratante con ácido hialurónico azul de Complementary Water Bank Visibly Soothe & Hydrate
Slide To See The Difference
Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Gel Moisturizer used once.
Water Bank Collection
Nobody wants to have dull, dry, and itchy skin. Fortunately, improving dehydrated skin is pretty easy. All you need is to find the right skincare products. When looking for a product that best suits your skin, you should consider your skin type, tone, and current skincare routine. The good news is that we developed the Laneige Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Collection for all skin types. Our products are formulated with blue hyaluronic acid that absorbs better and faster for deep, lasting hydration.